Over the past couple of years, a new status quo has settled across our social spirit: isolation, disruption, enclosure, and exclusion. Observers suggest this contemporary situation has in many ways uncovered a pre-existing bent toward dis-integration, implying a preference for alienation and distance. Against this interpretation, this show explores the ways in which our social relations are embedded in our beings, proposing a solution to our remoteness: an embrace of all things everywhere as kindred siblings. Your family is, indeed, so big.
Your Family Is So Big, 2022
A Rise In the Road That Takes You To Town
Dinner in a Cardboard Castle
How the Lines Change As The Day Goes By
I Thought, Yes, We Are Morning Brothers
It Takes Some Other Way of Being In the World
Light That's Everywhere You're Willing To See It
Meticulous Organization in An Oversized Garage
Radiant Atrium in a Copenhagen House
She Said It Was One Of Her Favorite Summers
It’s such a rare and beautiful thing to be understood and known, said Jen.
She Tried Harder Than All of Us
Something Like Sixteen Miles a Day
Spunk of a Vintage Space Camp Shirt
Starting With A Table of Strangers
Suddenly You're Doing the Impossible
The Beginning of An Electrifying Thing
The Lighting Was Always Just Right
To Make a Tighter Deeper Circle
You've Got to Reach Towards a Better Language