Colorado Springs is a city in flux, a place in the process of self-discovery and formation. Much of the change has been behind the scenes as it were: people here and there making spaces for creativity, crafting delightful food, forming extraordinary architecture, all vibrant and gravitative, but in various ways hidden, concealed by the qualities of an unpretentious instinct. This show is an exploration of this place’s efforts of discovery. These abstract reflections on our evolution are each an interaction with a meaningful location in Colorado Springs, offering an invitation inside a hidden city: the hidden city of the artist’s interiority and the hidden city of Colorado Springs, to share its promise and contribute something to its becoming.
Inside A Hidden City, 2021
A Secret Constellation (or, It Made Her Think of Chairs)
A Secret Constellation No.2
Early in a Dream No. 2
Echo in a Stairwell
Everything Is So Sculptural
From Etchings of a Mundane Labor
Grounds of Fabrication
Matters Looking South
Structure of a Maintenance Facility
Timbre of the Bar at the Back